
Važniji quoteovi koje kaže Clint Eastwood u Vojničini, koju je RTL reprizirao po tko zna koji put u subotu navečer.

np: SUPERJOINT RITUAL – waiting for the turning point

My name is Gunnery Sergeant Highway and I’ve drunk more beer and pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all you numbnuts put together.

Highway: The United States Marines is lookin’ for a few good men – and you ain’t it.

Highway: Sergeant, get that contraband stogie out of my face before I shove it so far up your ass that you’ll have to stick a match up your nose to light it!

Fragatti: We take care of ourselves.
Highway: You couldn’t take care of a wet dream. God loves you.

Highway: If you ladies think that you can slip and slide just because your last sergeant was a pussy, well queer bait, you’re going to start acting like Marines right now!

Highway: I’m not doing this because I want to take long showers with you assholes and I don’t want to get my head shot off in some far away land because you don’t habla, comprende?

Highway: Well, well, well, well. I’m here to tell you that life as you knew it has ended. You all may as well go into town tonight. You may as well laugh and make fools out of yourselves. Rub your pathetic little peckers against your honies or stick it in a knothole in the fence but whatever it is, get rid of it. Because at 0600 tomorrow your ass is mine.

Highway: I eat concertina wire and piss napalm and I can put a round in a flea’s ass at 300 meters so why don’t you go hump somebody else’s leg, mutt face, before I push yours in.

Highway: Drop your cocks and grab your socks! Off your ass and on your feet. Let’s move. Knees to the breeze in 5 minutes.
Profile: It’s Goddam 5 o’clock. You said six!
Highway: So I lied. So I can’t tell time. So maybe some communist bastard’s going to make an appointment pop you a new asshole in your forehead. You’re Marines now. You adapt. You overcome. You improvise. Let’s move. Four minutes!
Highway: We move swift. We move silent. We move deadly. Only one shake of those wangs ladies. Anymore than that consitutes pleasure and we’re not in that business. Sleep well, Mr. Jones?

Highway: Alright, Colitis, Cojones, Profilactics, Ajax. You boys are handsome. You ladies look like models. In fact I want your hair high and tight by tomorrow morning. When you start looking like Marines you’ll start feeling like Marines and then, Goddamn it, you’ll start acting like Marines. Platoon, ten-hut! Right face! Forward march!

Highway: I want to see kevlar helmet on your head by 1900 hours or you won’t have a head to put it on.

Highway: The only thing I’ll get is my head shot off if I go into a hot landing zone with a platoon that doesn’t know it’s job.

Highway: Cajones, give us a cadence, now!
Cajones: I don’t remember any. (middle finger)
Highway: Your girlfriend is gonna weep when I bite that finger clean off – give me that cadence, now!
Cajones: I don’t remember any, gunny.
Highway: Think fast, gopher-balls, or you’ll run until midnight!
Vod: Do it, man! This dude is certifiable.
Cajones: “Model A Ford and a tankful of gas – handful of pussy and a mouthful of ass!”

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