North Atlantic

North Atlantic

My personal hot spot, the true object of my desire and the ultimate bane of my existence when it comes to exploring this planet is the North Atlantic region. I care very little about tropical islands and cocktails in the sand; I could spend every vacation for the rest of my life here, in countries on the edge of the North Atlantic ocean. Only carrying a backpack, wearing technical clothes and having the best hiking shoes I can afford. I do not need anything else.

I have explored Norway quite a lot, more than an average Norwegian (as they often say), between Lindesnesfyr and Nordkapp by foot, car and motorcycle, and with extreme hunger to see something I did not before. There is a lot of texts written about Norway, in my native Croatian language.

We visited Iceland in 2017., when we rented a car and did the Ring road trip for 8 days. I enjoyed reading about it and preparing the itinerary as much as I enjoyed the trip itself. This island is incredibly rich nature wise and packed with unusual places which one could only dream of.

Husbo returned to Iceland on his motorcycle in 2022. to explore the area where roads do not exist for 2 weeks. He made a gorgeous video which will make your jaw drop; the scenery will make you wanna go there in an instant.

We visited Ireland in 2018., also rented a car and made a misshapen circle based itinerary across the entire island during 10 days. All I had imagined before coming to Ireland was only a shadow of the true experience. Ireland is an amazing and beautiful country, rich with natural allure and cultural experiences.

I visited Svalbard alone, twice. There are no words to describe how special this place is, and how happy I am that I went there to explore it. Mountains, glaciers, icebergs, whales, unusual human settlements… These were experiences for life.

The Faroe islands are a fairytale environment. I have spent 7 days there, alone, basically just walking and enjoying the scenery of the country which one would usually see only in 4k drone videos on youtube. No picture or video ever did them justice, these islands were a dream coming true.

Greenland was the last place I went to, alone. The trip was planned for years, and due to covid I had to wait until the air cleared out for me to travel there. It was planned up to the tiniest detail, with extreme caution and preparation. Some of the most unbelievable places I have ever seen were those I witnessed in Greenland, a month ago.

The next round of articles is dedicated to Greenland and the experiences gathered there.

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