
Sašila sam si još jedne lanene hlače. Iako u ormaru imam sigurno 10 komada u raznim bojama, oblicima i duljinama, nemam nijedne baš pravo široke arapske Aladin hlače. Za one koji ne znaju, vrlo udoban komad odjeće, vrlo iskoristiv u kombinacijama i vrlo jednostavan za sašiti.
Gledam malo modele po internetu i nalazim samo ono što ne želim. Kad uđem u etno-shopove, dobijem napadaj pri pogledu na cijenu za komad lanene krpe. Meni principi ne dozvoljavaju dati novac za ono što u glavi “skuham” za 15 minuta i sašijem za 20. Ovo je toliko jednostavna stvar da ne treba ni pravi kroj. Evo sheme (crtam i krojim ravno na tekstilu):
napravljene nabrzaka i s nogu. Nemam skener niti mi se dade prčkati po softveru, pa sam samo poslikala draft.
Dakle, na crtežu se nalazi polovica nogavice = 1/4 hlača. Svi brojevi su podesivi, iako odgovaraju većini ženske populacije, jedino opseg struka mora sjesti u milimetar. “Srećom”, on je na preklop
Visina tj. duljina od kuka do pete je 110 cm (d), kao četvrtinu obujma struka sam uzela dobrano podebljanih 33 cm (a) jer sam isplanirala preklop na hlačama koje vise na kukovima, 50 cm je duljina od pupka do mjesta spajanja nogavica (b) i može biti podesiva – ja sam htjela da hlače baš vise. Ovih 25 cm na dnu je polovica opsega nogavice na mjestu poruba (c). Kut α predstavlja širinu lelujavog sloja među nogama i može biti proširen ili sužen po želji. Rezultat?
Kad sam skrojila nogavice, odsjekla sam i 25 cm široku traku koja je poslužila kao pojas. Nabrala sam leđni dio spojenih nogavica, prišila pojas i napravila preklope za dugmad
koji su smanjili onaj ogromni opseg struka na normalnu cifru i to je to!
Da li možda šijete po narudžbama, preeedobre su mi hlače!!
Kakdane, samo se javi na
These are fabulous! Do you have an English translation of these instructions?
Hello KC
OK, first things first, there is no specific pattern, this one is completely adjustable to any possible body size, shape etc. I have made this pattern in like 10 minutes literally from my head, and it works perfectly for everyone.
I wanted to make the pants oversized and kinda fluffy, so some of the numbers are pretty much over my body size.
– take a piece of paper, measure yourself and calculate the parameters – you need: circumference of your waist and pants length
– the pattern drawn on the paper represents 25% of the pants – the front of the pants is exactly the same as the back; you will have to cut this shape 4 x
– upper line (a = 33 cm) is one quarter of waist circumference, which means that 4 x 33 = 132 cm (at that moment I had 60 cms around my waist – as I said, this is huge but it gets lost in overlapping, you will adapt the button placing to your waist – look at the last picture, so freely make a larger circumference)
– (b) is a stitch that connects the hoses; make it loose and low, I have made it 50 cms long because I wanted to make the pants look baggy
– the bottom line (c) has a circumference of 50 cm (25 cms are a half of 50 cm)
– (d) is the length of those pants from hips to ankles – adapt it for your legs length
– angle α (alpha) defines the amount of fabric you want to use to make the wavy part between your legs – if you want more, just make it wider.
Draw your pants, cut the fabric, and just connect these four large pieces. On the back side I’ve made a 25 cms of a gentle ruffle, just to make them more fitted. I usually tend to develop as simple and functional as possible solutions while making my own patterns, so the belt part is basic straight piece of fabric, 25 cms wide (when you overlap it and iron it, it becomes 12,50 cm wide). Make two holes for buttons, sew the buttons on the belt and you’re done with it.
The pants are incredibly comfy and can be made of almost any type of fabric. Try to avoid any of those that aren’t flexible, for the sake of draping. These are made of pure linen, it works more than just fine, especially in the summer.
That’s it, ask if you need any further help. Cheers