Kalevalu sam prvi put čitala prije 4 godine, tijekom hladne zime, slušajući Finntrollove instrumentale. Na stranu sa Tuonelom, Vainamoinenom, Leminkainenom, kovanjem Sampa, Pellonpekkom i ostalima makar na trenutak, donosim simboliku i ulogu nesretnog mladića u Kalevali.
Priča o njemu mi je najzanimljivija i proteže se kroz pet runa. Razlomit ću ju u pet dijelova – postova, koje potkrijepljujem zanimljivim citatima iz Kalevale. Ovo je runa 31, koja opisuje Kullervoovo djetinjstvo i događanje koji su prethodili.
np: FINNTROLL – madon laulu
Dva brata, Untamo i Kalervo, konstantno su u sukobima.
Untamoinen sets his fish-nets
In the waters of Kalervo;
Kallerwoinen sees the fish-nets,
Takes the fish home in his basket.
Kalerwoinen sowed some barley
Near the barns of Untamoinen;
Untamoinen’s sheep in hunger
Ate the crop of Kallerwoinen;
Kallerwoinen’s dog in malice
Tore Untamo’s sheep in pieces.
Konflikti kulminiraju odlukom ozlojeđenog Untama da bratovo pleme sravni sa zemljom.
Warriors of Untamoinen
Came equipped with spears and arrows,
Killed the people of Kalervo,
Slew his tribe and all his kindred.
Nakon pokolja, ostade na životu samo Kalervoova kći u drugom stanju. U utrobi je nosila dječaka.
Ere a boy was born in magic
Of the virgin, Untamala,
Of a mother, trouble-laden,
Him the mother named Kullervo,
“Pearl of Combat,” said Untamo.
Dječak, Kullervo, rođen je sa nadrealno snažnim magičnim sposobnostima.
Seemed that he would grow a hero,
And his mother, Untamala,
Thought that be, when full of stature,
When he found his strength and reason
Would become a great magician,
First among a thousand heroes.
No, odmah je bila očita velika destrukcija u njemu
But before the third day ended,
Kicks the boy with might of magic,
Forwards, backwards, upwards,
Kicks in miracles of power,
Bursts with might his swaddling garments
Creeping from beneath his blankets,
Knocks his cradle into fragments,
Tears to tatters all his raiment,
i pleme procijeni da je opasniji nego izgleda. Nakon vijećanja odluče da ga neće ubiti, već će ga poslati na rijeku
Finally, they all consenting,
He was placed within a basket,
And with willows firmly fastened,
Taken to the reeds and rushes,
Lowered to the deepest waters,
In his basket there to perish.
u nadi da će ga snaga brze vode ubiti.
Kullervo preživi, a Untamo, sluđen, traži novi način pogubljenja djeteta. Odlučuje složiti lomaču
Then his messengers he ordered
To collect dried poles of brushwood,
Birch-trees with their hundred branches,
Pine-trees full of pitch and resin,
Ordered that a pyre be builded,
That the boy might be cremated,
That Kullervo thus might perish.
i na nju postavi dječaka. Nekoliko dana kasnije
When Untamo sent his heralds
To inspect the pyre and wizard,
There to learn if young Kullervo
Had been burned to dust and ashes,
There they saw the young boy sitting
On a pyramid of embers,
In his band a rod of copper,
Raking coals of fire about him,
To increase their heat and power;
Not a hair was burned nor injured,
Not a ringlet singed nor shrivelled.
ustanovljuje da je plan propao. Odlučuje razapeti dječaka
Then they hung him to an oak-tree,
Crucified him in the branches,
That the wizard there might perish.
“Young Kullervo has not perished,
Has not died among the branches
Of the oak-tree where we hung him.
In the oak he maketh pictures
With a wand between his fingers;
Pictures hang from all the branches,
Carved and painted by Kullervo;
And the heroes, thick as acorns,
With their swords and spears adjuste4
Fill the branches of the oak-tree,
Every leaf becomes a soldier.”
i tada uviđa kako mu ne može učiniti ništa nažao. Tražeći metodu iskorištavanja dječaka, makar kao radne snage, odlučuje ga zaposliti kao dadilju djetetu.
Young Kullervo, wicked wizard,
Nurses one day then a second;
On the morning of the third day,
Gives the infant cruel treatment,
Blinds its eyes and breaks its fingers;
And when evening shadows gather,
Kills the young child while it slumbers,
Throws its body to the waters,
Breaks and burns the infant’s cradle.
Nakon stradavanja djeteta pomisli da bi Kullervo možda bio korisniji kao drvosječa.
Then he told the young magician
He must fell the standing forest,
And Kullervo gave this answer:
“Only will I be a hero,
When I wield the magic hatchet;
I am young, and fair, and mighty,
Far more beautiful than others,
Have the skill of six magicians.”
Kullervo odlazi kovaču i naručuje sjekiru,
“Listen, O thou metal-artist,
Forge for me an axe of copper,
Forge the mighty axe of heroes,
Wherewith I may fell the forest,
Fell the birch, and oak, and aspen.”
no, unatoč uspješnom rušenju drveća sjekirom, upotrijebi magiju
“May the forest, in the circle
Where my voice rings, fall and perish,
In the earth be lost forever!
May no tree remain unlevelled,
May no saplings grow in spring-time,
Never while the moonlight glimmers,
Where Kullervo’s voice has echoed,
Where the forest hears my calling;
Where the ground with seed is planted,
And the grain shall sprout and flourish,
May it never come to ripeness,
Mar the ears of corn be blasted!”
i uništava šumu.
Untamo opet uvidi da Kullervo ne može ispuniti zadatak.
“Young Kullervo is not fitted
For the work of clearing forests,
Wastes the best of all the timber,
To my lands he brings destruction;
I shall set him making fences.”
i zapošljava ga za izgradnju ograde. Naravno, Kullervo nije napravio ogradu.
Made the fence without a pass-way,
Made no wicket in his fences.
Posljednji zadatak koji je dobio je mljevenje raži i ječma. Sukladno tradiciji, zadatak propada
Young Kullervo, quick preparing
Made an oaken flail for threshing,
Threshed the rye to finest powder,
Threshed the barley into atoms,
And the straw to worthless fragments.
a Untamo odustane i pošalje ga u roblje, Ilmarinenu.
“Kullerwoinen as a workman
Is a miserable failure;
Whatsoever work he touches
Is but ruined by his witchcraft!”
[…] mijenjao do danas – potonja dvojica su otišla a zamjensko čelo je zauzeo Perttu Paivo Kullervo Kivilaakso. Prije 3 godine je kao podrška došao i Mikko Sirén, bubnjar, koji je dotad svirao […]