
Nastavak priče iz Kalevale o tragičnom, iako vrlo moćnom liku. Runa 34, Kullervo susreće pleme i majku, no saznaje za tragičan događaj.

Runa 31. – Kullervo – sin zla, Kullervoovo rođenje i naznaka zloće.

Runa 32. – Kullervo postaje pastir, dolazi Ilmarinenu i njegova supruga ga šalje sa stadom na ispašu.

Runa 33. – lažni kruh, Kullervo lomi nož na kamenu skrivenom u kruhu.

Runa 34. – Kullervo nalazi svoje pleme

np: TARJA TURUNEN – I walk alone

Kullervo bježeći od Ilmarinena odlučuje naći Untamovo selo radi osvete.
Putem susreće sijedu staricu koja mu otkriva vijest

“Surely thou dost rest in error,
For thy tribe has never perished,
And thy mother still is living
With thy father in the Northland,
Living with the old Kalervo.”

Kullervo, sav sretan odjuri po njenom naputku,

Kullerwoinen, the magician,
Hastens northward on his journey,
Walks one day, and then a second,
Walks the third from morn till evening;
To the north-west walks Kullervo,
Till a mountain comes to meet him,
Walks around the nearing mountain;
Westward, westward, holds his journey,
Till he sees a river coming;
Hastens to the river border,
Walks along the streams and rapids
Till three waterfalls accost him;
Travels till he meets a headland,
On the point he spies a cottage,
Where the fishermen assemble.

nalazi majku i predstavlja se

“Dost thou know me not, my mother,
Dost thou know me not, my father?
I am hapless Kullerwoinen
Whom the heroes of Untamo
Carried to their distant country,
When my height was but a hand-breadth.”

Majka, sretna pozdravlja sina, ali objašnjava kako je njegova sestra nestala

“This the story of thy sister:
Went for berries to the woodlands,
To the mountains went my daughter,
Where the lovely maiden vanished,
Where my pretty berry perished,
Died some death beyond my knowledge,
Nameless is the death she suffered.

i smatra se poginulom.

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